Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sahara is not on my good side at the moment...

Sahara is trying my patience. It may get a time out. I have bound off the lace neckline not once, not twice, but three times - and unfortunately the third time is NOT the charm. It is still too freaking tight. I have already gone from a size 5 up to a size 10 needle, I think I might work the next lace pattern row and then bind off.

Can you see how it's pulling & bunching up there around my neck? Did anybody else have this problem? Did I miss some integral note in the pattern? Loosely is one thing, going up to a size 11 or 13 needle is BEYOND loose. The yarn is starting to look ucky, and I am trying not to be angry b/c I am so darn close to getting it right.
you can find me here.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Try Zimmerman's Sewn Cast Offmaybe?

Jenny said...

I did a "regular" cast off on the front parts and the sewn bind off on the back of the neck. That way, the pretty look of the regular bind off shows in the front, and the stretchiness you need is on your neck. I also used a 10 or a 10.5 for the regular part.

Anonymous said...

LOL at the time out. I was just telling my Knitting friends that Sahara was in a big timeout. Then after 3 days, I couldn't stand it and brought her out again. The problem I had with my neckline was my bindooff. I used the size 4 for the rib pattern and also bound off in a size 4. It was soooo tight. I took off the bindoff ONLY and bound off in a size 7 and it worked out perfectly. I tried it on today and it was great. It was just a regular bindoff. Goodluck.