Thursday, August 24, 2006

Computer/Browser Help

Will one of you clever Dames or Fellows help me? When I go to the page I have to click on August 2006 down by the archives to get the up to date page. I am not opening it from a bookmark and the refresh page doesn't show me anything different. Is that just how it is? No one I know, knows. Thanks!


Maryse said...

I think that you need to empty your cache. However, this will also get rid of a bunch of other things that are remembered when you work from your machine. The thing is, your machine probably currently remembers an old version of the SKC page. Anyhow, if you want to give it a try, go to Internet Options under the tool menu of Explorer (is that what your using) and from the General tab, go to Temporary files and click the Delete Files... button (sorry, mine's in French so my instructions are approximative). Let me know how it works out. I've done it recently (that's what they advise in Blogger help!) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if what you're seeing is my posts that I keep up at the top of the page intentionally so that all members are able to stay up to date on the important SKC announcements. So perhaps you're seeing my posts over and over (since they are indeed at the very top of the post and pre-dated as 2007 to stay that way) but when you click on the August 2006 archives, it takes you to the regular posts. Not sure if this makes sense or not, but that could be one possibility.

Estellika said...

Jeanie, thank you for asking. It was not seeing nominations on my computer that I had seen the day before on a friend's computer that made me think my computer wasn't on track. I've made silly little mistakes like that before, I'm glad you replied.

Maryse, thank you. I'll have to figure out how to empty the cache; I use FireFox as the browser and I don't see it under tools but now I know what to do.

Yay! Thanks, you two!

Estellika said...

I haven't figured the fix out yet but the page will show 3 comments to a post, but if I click on it there are 9 or 10 there. Off to research the fix, thanks again!

Estellika said...

Me again, I found how to emty it and it worked, whoo hoo!