Friday, February 10, 2006

i have extra yarn...

lots of extra yarn, luna, burnished clay. so this is what i'm thinking. i made my picovoli the length in the pattern for two resons, i liked the look of grumperina's and i hate sweaters that sit on top of my belt because they make the buckle bump and if i go beltless then i feel like my pants are coming down. so i stuck with the recommended length. i didn't want to , i wanted to go longer, lots longer like a tunic almost. and i pretty much have commited to making a short bolero to go on top. no buttons, i like my boleros un buttoned and short above the waist about 3 or 4 inches. and the sleeves should be tight and right to the elbow, plain no fancy stuff either. that's what i'm going to do, but wait. i love the look of a short shrug or bolero on top of a long tunic so maybe i'll rip out the cast off edge and add a few more inches. hmm, the seater as it is is really a bit too short, i don't need my belly sticking out when i move so maybe a tunic is a fine idea. on another subject, i love the picovoli or should i say the luna once washed and blocked, it feels great, looks great and i took a big chance and machine washed it, it held up great. the only thing not great is the pictures i took...self ports, in the mirror shots and altho i have lots of mirrors they are all antique and antique mirrors are pretty to look at but pretty crappy if you want to see a decent image of yourself. so i'll try again.

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